I am the one thing in life I can control
– Wait for It, Hamilton
I am inimitable I am an original
I’m not falling behind or running late
I’m not standing still
I am lying in wait
I never thought I’d find inspiration about recovery in the Hamilton soundtrack. And yet. This song, Wait for It (lyrics above), really resonated with me. It just goes to show you can find meaning in the strangest of places. So, what struck me about these words? And what on earth do they have to do with mental health recovery? Or more importantly, my recovery?
Fears of Falling Behind

In a previous a post, I describe my experiences of illness and recovery. In particular, how I felt that everyone else had taken a direct route. Whilst I had run all over the place; tripping as I went. At times I can marvel that, for the most part, I feel like I have ended up in roughly the same place as my peers. But there’s also this insidious whisper that says I’ve fallen behind.
I begin to worry that I’m just holding on. I fear I’m not where I’m supposed to be or who I’m supposed to be. I’ve not achieved what I need to. Or I’ve only done the minimum. That I should have done more. That I should have been stronger or braver. There’s a part of me that rebels against this idea. I recoil at the idea that my illness has held me back in any way. There’s times that it feels that, if this is true, then the illness has won. I hate the feeling of being a victim. Somewhere deep inside I know the pain and energy that it has taken to just be here. Alive.
For What Recovery Means to Me read here.
Falling Behind?
It has been a long road to understanding my anxiety. The path which I am on now has been a steep learning curve. To me, that’s what recovery is. An upward climb where every one step forward may be followed by a multiple backwards. It can be exhausting. Often it seems that I’ve put in so much more effort to stop myself falling behind or to the wayside.
Recovery can be incredibly disheartening. There’s a voice inside of me which wonders what’s the point? Whenever I feel like I’m making headway there’s always the spectre of illness. Some days I have to hold on so tight just to stay where I am. To not fall backwards. Or decline. Because that’s the truth of it. If I let go, if I stop fighting, I could get ill again. And then where would I be? What would my life to this point mean? Just a waste of energy and tears.
For Understanding My Anxiety read here.
21st Century Myth
Sometimes all we can do for a period in time is be still. Appreciate where we are and how far we have come. In this world of 24/7 media bombardment, motivational speakers and continuous inspiration. It’s too easy to feel lacking. To feel not enough. Sub par. Unworthy.

And therein lies my greatest fear. Will what I do or who I am ever be enough? If I’m not moving forward, than where am I going? I feel the pressure to be climbing ever onward and upwards. If I’m not progressing, then what am I doing?
But this is a 21st century myth. Along with other cliches like it’s a ‘dog eat dog world’. It’s great to challenge yourself and achieve the things you want. Smash those glass ceilings with all your might. And once you’ve reached your goals, definitely pick new ones. But make them your own goals. Not ones society tells you to pick.
Lying in Wait
For this is the true meaning of recovery. Yes, it’s about moving forward. But it’s also about defining the life you want to live. Rather than being told what you should achieve or who you should be. It’s about living your own life. Not someone else’s.
In the word’s of Oscar Wilde:
Be Yourself. Everyone Else is Already Taken
Oscar Wilde
I don’t need to be ever moving forward. Not taking the next big step isn’t a lack of progress. Sometimes it’s a necessary act of preservation. We need to normalize these pauses in life. To celebrate our successes before the next step. To just be. It doesn’t mean you’re letting the fear of failure hold you back. But rather making rational and well thought-out decisions and choices.
So, that’s my new take on my recovery. Sometimes I may be moving forward. But when I’m not. I must remember “I’m not falling behind or running late. I’m not standing still. I’m lying in wait”‘
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Does this make sense for your own recovery? Is it empowering?
This resonates with me so much. Sometimes I wonder what the point is if it’s always going be this hard. I had thought I was really moving forward and seemed to have been thrown back again and it’s tough to accept you’ve lost that hard-earned ground.
I couldn’t agree more but it’s nice to know it’s not just me!
Very beautifully written. I think we all struggle, to an extent, with the version of who we are and who we think we should be. I know there are times I feel very put together and then days that I feel like I’m treading water. I appreciate you sharing your journey.
Thanks Ana! I very much feel like I’m treading water at times. It’s a great way to put it.
What an awesome reminder that the right time is only the time for each of us individually – our journey.
So true Beth. It’s about our own journeys and not comparing ourselves to others.
As someone who suffers from severe anxiety, one of the things that makes me most anxious is the feeling of being stuck. Like I’m standing still while the world is moving around me. I really appreciated this post and the message conveyed that, if you might be standing still, at least you’re not falling behind. I’ve never looked at it that way before. It’s not like I’m moving backwards in life. I just haven’t figured it out yet.
So glad you found this helpful Vee!
This definitely resonates with me, I feel this all the time. Anxiety has long been a part of my life, a part of me. I cannot remember a time without it. So many times I feel that backward slide, three steps forward and two steps back. Sometimes it feels more like two steps forward and three steps back. I agree that we cannot define progress by the standards laid out for us by society. Our perspective on progress and success matters, what we see as moving forward may not be recognized by the construct of our culture but it is still forward for us. You have to live your truth.
Very deep and empowering post.. we often forget that in time’s of darkness we aren’t falling back.
I love this post. You’re not falling behind. Sometimes I feel this as well, then I stop and ask, “falling behind whom?” It’s a great way to re-frame my mindset for the better. As you said, it’s so easy to feel lacking when all you see all around you are images of perfection. But you have your own journey in life, however slow it goes, try to own it. At least that’s what I’m trying to do 🙂 You got this!
I love this idea about reframing. Who am I comparing myself too! Thanks for the inspiration!
The music is certainly incredibly well done — I only watched ‘Hamilton’ once on TV and it was so good. It’s amazing what we connect to and brings us peace or understanding about something (like anxiety). Thanks for sharing this!