My Blog Won the Golden Bloggerz Award

The wonderful Metaphysical Mama nominated my blog for the Golden Bloggerz award. I’m honestly so honoured and feel so privileged. I have discovered an amazing group of writers who are full of warmth and genuine empathy since I started blogging. So many are incredibly skilled and talented. It is so special to be counted amongst their number.

What’s the Golden Bloggerz Award?

This award was created by Chris Kosto from Golden Bloggerz. It was created as a way to encourage and reward all the amazing bloggers out there. 


  • Upload the award logo on your blog.
  • Make sure your post includes the rules.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link to their website.
  • Provide background on the award including the creator and a link to their site.
  • Tell your audience 3 things about you.
  • Answer your nominator’s questions.
  • Nominate 10-20 people who deserve this award.
  • Ensure nominees know by messaging/commenting on their social media or their blog.
  • Ask your nominees any five questions
  • Share 2-3 links to your best posts

Three Things About Me

  1. I collect novelty rubber ducks
  2. As a teenager I slammed my finger in a skylight window. My finger never set properly.
  3. I have a 10 month daughter who I adore!

Metaphysical Mama’s Questions

What has blogging taught you about yourself?

I’ve definitely discovered so much more about my mental health. It’s made me a lot more vigilant around what impacts how I feel. And when I need to take a step back and look after myself. It’s also shown me that I can make time for the things I really believe in.

How do you make yourself feel better when you’re having a bad day?

Sometimes it’s about taking it back to basics. Anything that is a little bit something for me. But my favourites are a leisurely warm bubble bath, snuggled in bed with a scented candle and a book or Netflix. Although, during the day if I need a reset I can’t beat getting myself out of the house for some fresh air!

Who are you most grateful for?

My lovely little girl. She came into the world in the middle of a pandemic. And we weren’t able to celebrate in many of the ways she imagined. And her first few months she didn’t get to have many of the formative experiences young kids so often do. But she has been an absolute joy and has kept our entire family smiling in the hard times.

What’s your favourite book?

This is such a hard question. And nothing springs to mind immediately. But I always adore anything by Matt Haig. My particular favourites were The Humans and The Midnight Library.

Where do you see yourself a year from now?

Hopefully without the spectre of Covid looming large. And appreciating all the ‘normal’ parts of life that I think I took for granted 18 months ago. I hope my daughter is thriving and is able to enjoy life and getting to know the people in her life. I hope I’m still investing in my blog but also in myself and haven’t forgotten the importance of kindness.

My Blog Nominees

Check out these wonderful bloggers!

  • Thoughts With N
  • Simply Alex Jean
  • Epifania M
  • Of a Glasgow Girl
  • Love, Em
  • Gigi With a Blog
  • Heather LeGuilloux
  • The Procrastinating Mum
  • Unwanted Life
  • A Spoonful of Vanilla
  • Blue to Bliss
  • Not So Modern Girl
  • Lisa’s Notebook

My Questions

#1 Do you collect anything, and if so, why?

#2 What’s a random fun fact about yourself?

#3 Have you had any pets? If so, what and what were there names?

#4 Where is your favourite place to visit for a staycation?

#5 What do you like about yourself most?

My 3 Best Blog Posts

These may not be quantifiably my best posts through reader views and comments. But perhaps the ones I’m currently most proud of:

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5 thoughts on “My Blog Won the Golden Bloggerz Award

  1. Firstly, congrats on the nomination, and secondly, even bigger congrats on your little girl! Do you think she’ll inherit your love of rubber ducks?! Thank you so much for the nomination, I’m in excellent company 🙂 x

  2. Congratulations on your award, Em! And congrats are in order again, especially for your baby girl! Reading about the ducks made me giggle, such a great item to collect!!

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