I’ve always managed to get quite a lot done in a short period of time. I’d often worry that I wasn’t paying enough attention to detail or had missed something. Eventually, instead of berating myself for this, I decided that I was lucky to be efficient. Being organized and finding the quickest way to do things must have helped. But once again, I’m starting to re-think this. Whilst it’s great to have good time management, I’ve realised that I don’t seem to be able to slow down. Even when I’m relaxing or doing self-care, my eyes are always on the clock.
I need to slow down. Perhaps not always. Time is not a luxury many of us feel that we don’t have. What with all the chores many of us juggle. On top of working and family, friends and the list goes on. But I’m determined to slow down when I have the chance. I’m sure I do reap some benefits of relaxing or exercising even with my eyes on the time. But there’s probably a lot I’m missing too. Because when I’m rushing through I’m losing something in the process. I’m not able to fully relax and I definitely forget to enjoy myself.
Recognize the Need
First things first. We need to recognize when we’re falling into the habit of rushing. And it’s all too easy to do. Many of us are juggling so many things. We are always running from one thing to another. Simply just to get the bare minimum done. For many it doesn’t seem like we have time to do the added extras. The things that we’d ideally like to do but never get around to. So, as hard as it may be. If you find yourself unable to slow down or pause we need to recognize this sign. If that’s how we feel than that’s exactly what we need to do. Not only do we need to slow down. But we deserve to.
Once we’ve recognized the need to slow down. We need to ask ourselves this follow up question. When can I slow down? Or when is it best for me to slow down? If we can slow down in all areas of our lives that’s great. Go for it. But for many of us that’s not an option. We need to make slowing down work for us, not against us. By slowing down too much we may find ourselves more stressed about getting things done. Or having to rush around even more to get things done after we’ve had a break. Neither of which is very relaxing!
So ask yourself, which parts of my day can I take slower? The times which may spring to mind might be walking somewhere when usually we would rush. Or when we have a shower or bath. Any time we do exercise or anything self-care related. As mentioned before, these habits are good for us. But we lose something in doing them if we’re rushing through.
Steps to Slow Down
Go Timeless

If like me you find yourself consistently looking at a clock. Challenge yourself to go without it. This may seem like a step too far. And I’m not suggesting not ever checking the time. That’s the surest way to incur more stress by missing deadlines etc! But think about those times you’d like to take slower and put the clock away. For example, if you’re having a relaxing shower don’t time yourself. Accept that hygiene is important for both physical and mental health and it will take the time it needs for you to feel better.
If not looking at a clock will only worry you more then experiment with setting timers. Decide how long you’ll spend on an activity and set your clock accordingly. Then put it out of sight. You’ll be able to absorb yourself in the activity knowing you won’t miss anything or go on too long.
Be Mindful.
Mindfulness often gets confused for meditation (more here). But the root of mindfulness is about being in the present. Simply by slowing down we will become more mindful. We don’t need to take long amounts of time out of our day to meditate; unless we want to. Small acts we do can be done mindfully provided we’re grounded in reality.
A great way to think of mindfulness is “be where your feet are”. Think about how you can build mindfulness into your day – you may find you can do it without it taking any time at all! For example, when walking to the bus or train, don’t stare at your phone or get stuck in your head (if you can help it!). Instead look at the world around you and notice the changing seasons, the weather etc. It’s not just about what you see but about using your other sense too. Likewise, we can eat mindfully by noticing the colours of the food, feeling the textures, experiencing the smells and eating that bit slower. Just by being in the world for a few minutes can help us find a slower pace.
Acknowledge the Benefits
Sometimes slowing down can’t be done any other way than actually slowing down. And yes, this will suck up some more time in your day. It’s understandable if we’re hesitant to do so if we’ve already got a busy schedule. But there’s two things that might motivate us to do it anyway. Firstly, recognize that we deserve it and it’s beneficial for us. I know I’ve mentioned this before but it’s important so it can’t be said too many times.
We rush around, usually to do things for other people, and we don’t acknowledge or appreciate ourselves. This can often lead to conflicting feelings (more here on empathy fatigue). Feelings which are often inconvenient – to say the least – and will have a negative impact on our mental health. Thereby impacting motivation and productivity. Just by pausing in our day and finding time to look after ourselves will boost our mental health and help us stay efficient. The maths might not seem like it adds up. But within reason, a bit less time doing and a bit more time spent relaxing and investing in ourselves can actually mean getting more done.
Find a Reason.
It’s hard to slow down but having something or someone to slow down for can make a difference. When we have things we’re looking forward to, or really want to do. We’re more likely to take a step back from everything else we’re supposed to be doing. It may be a long time since we’ve asked ourselves ‘what would I like to do?’ or ‘what am I looking forward to?’. Perhaps its spending time with people which is important. We all need to feel connected (more here). Or having a hobby we’d like to try or some new materials to read, watch, get arty with.
We can use these as a reward for doing x, y or z if simply doing them without reason seems like a step too far for us. But have a think, what would motivate you to slow down and take a breath? Try think of things which will distract you and stop you overthinking or looking to the clock.

Sometimes we may need a helping hand to take that step back. It may be that we’d love to do some exercise. Or we’d like to try a new hobby or art class. As per the idea above, having something to look forward to is a great motivator to slow down. Or doing something for our mental health will help us be more productive. So think about who you can get involved. If we’re doing something with someone else we become accountable. I’m more likely to go to the gym if I know someone is expecting me to be there. The intention here is not to add more stress. But to find ways to encourage us to take a breath and look after ourselves. If you think this could work for you, I’m sure you can find someone else who desperately needs a reason to slow down too!
There are so many words in the human language but somehow I feel like I say should a lot. More than I should (irony!). Without even realising this choice in wording subtly puts pressure on me. It guilts me into pushing harder and faster to get everything done. Should will persuade me that it’s selfish to slow down and that I don’t have the time to. It hangs over my head like the sword of Damocles. If this is something that resonates with you, then let’s replace should with could.
There’s many things on our to-do list that have to be done. That’s fine. They can stay, they are our priorities. But what about everything else. Do they need to be done? And if so, who says? If we feel the need to do them that’s fine. But if someone else or society makes it feel like we should do them? Then they can fall a bit further down the list. And perhaps some of them can be could instead? For example, I could make an Instagram worthy fancy dinner or I could do something far easier but equally delicious. Or I could push myself to do an exhausting high impact cardio but today what I need is some slower paced yoga or a walk outside.
What do you think about these ideas for slowing down? Do you fancy trying any of them out or do have your own ideas to share? Let me kn
Some great tips in a really interesting read. As someone who found a reason a couple of years ago, I working on slowing things down.
This is a great read for someone on the other side of things. I always feel I never have enough time to get things done so it’s interesting to read what it’s like at the other extreme, gives me ideas for speeding things up a bit but also cautions me on rushing too much. Thanks for sharing!
I think you and me have the opposite problem, I need to speed up my pace rather than slow down. I procrastinate so so much, but I’m sure these tips would be great for people who need to slow down
I love this! I definitely need to work on creating time for being mindful. I can get weighed down with the difficulties or other things going on in life and need to refocus and use mindfulness to ground myself a bit more. Thanks so much for sharing — this has been really helpful!
Such an important post, slowing down can be so so important and something i need to get better at!
Great tips. I wouldn’t neccessarily say I’m always in a rush but I do always have a lot I want to get done. My mind never really switches off. It’s definitely important to slow down sometimes.
I love the idea of accepting that priorities can stay priorities without necessarily needing to be done right NOW. It’s so hard to slow down when there are a million things that you think need to be done. But really, when you stop to think about them, they don’t have to be done immediately. Great post, much food for thought, thank you! Lisa
Prioritizing definitely helps me. Also, ditching things if I feel like my heart’s just not in it. We all need mental health days from time to time.
Very interesting read with some great tips. Thanks for sharing!
MagicandBliss | https://magicandbliss.com/
I read this, as I sit down from my day of literal insanity running around like a chicken with my head cut off 😆
Good reminders, all around. I needed this, today!
Lots of good reasoning here. It’s a really interesting post. Totally agree about finding a reason -y health has definitely made me put plans in place to slow things down.
Now that I’ve read this and thought about it, I can definitely see myself subtly rushing almost everything I do. I don’t even realize I’m doing it half the time which is crazy! Checking the time is a constant habit I have that I’m trying to get rid of, as well as over-checking my phone altogether. Finding a reason to slow down and prioritizing it are especially important for our mental health if we wanna keep going. Thank you for sharing this!
I know! It’s so easy to slip into habits of rushing about when busy! Glad this was helpful and a bit of a reminder. We all need one from time to time!
Gosh I relate to this so much. I definitely think a slower pace of life works for me. Sometimes I have a really lovely relaxing weekend doing not very much at all and then I see Instagram pics of everyone else I know being out and about and I get the FOMO… even though it’s not necessarily what I want to be doing! Sometimes social media just makes you feel like that though, which is something I need to work on. Thanks for sharing 😊
I love this! I know being a busy body is something I’m guilty of as well. I suppose that is one thing we can thank the lockdown for – a forced slow down. I especially love the part where you said, be where your feet are. I often find that my mind is somewhere else thinking about things that need to be done. Thank you for these helpful reminders!
I love little reminders to be more present. Otherwise I rush around on autopilot and I feel like I miss out on so much!
Gosh I relate to this so much. I definitely think the slower pace of life agrees with me, which I’ve noticed more and more over the past few months. Sometimes I have a really lovely weekend doing not very much at all and then I’ll see all the Instagram posts of people I know being out and about and I get the FOMO, even though I don’t necessarily want to be doing that. Social media does have that effect sometimes though. Thanks very much for the reminder that we all just have to focus on what makes us happy!
So true! I see what people are doing and wish I was doing it although I actually need some down time from socializing and I’m quite happy taking a day to look after myself and chill!
I really enjoyed this article – it reminded me of my need to slow down and made it realistic
Thanks Lisa. I’m glad you find them realistic. I wanted them to be ideas that anyone could adopt or make work for them!
This is such a relatable post! It’s definitely made me think I need to take some time to reorganise my priorities and slow myself down a little. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Interesting read. Some great tips, I enjoyed reading this article. Thank you for sharing this.
What an interesting post. Indeed, especially now everyone’s in a hurry,and the life seems to pass by blurred. Slowing down and decreasing your pace every now and then is important
Definitely important to pause and take moments that matter. Too often it seems like something has to be done and it may be hard to slow down without feeling more stress that is for sure. I purposely enjoy moments in prayer, time with family and exercise as some of the necessary moments for me. Things I believe we should never take for granted. Great post. 😊
I love this idea of necessary moments! Or even necessary me moments. I’m a far better, calmer version of myself when I’ve had some time to slow down and invest in myself.
“Be where your feet are.” I love that! I think it may be my new mantra. I definitely need to slow down a little a be more mindful. Thank you so much for these great tips!
I still love it even though I came across it ages ago! It’s just a reminder to see the world around you. It’s a way of knowing you’re not missing out on the world around you! Too easy when rushing around
such an interesting perspective. i want to try the being timeless method
I love this post. I can relate because I’m also kinda struggling to slow down lately. Your tips are really helpful to me! I haven’t thought about going timeless but I will try to do it. Thanks for sharing x
Thanks! I’m so glad that this was helpful. I definitely noticed I was always rushing and never slowed down. Going timeless was really liberating!